This structure is used by the Microsoft Windows API and contains information about an entry in the Internet cache.
typedef struct _INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO { DWORD dwStructSize; LPTSTR lpszSourceUrlName; LPTSTR lpszLocalFileName; DWORD CacheEntryType; DWORD dwUseCount; DWORD dwHitRate; DWORD dwSizeLow; DWORD dwSizeHigh; FILETIME LastModifiedTime; FILETIME ExpireTime; FILETIME LastAccessTime; FILETIME LastSyncTime; LPBYTE lpHeaderInfo; DWORD dwHeaderInfoSize; LPTSTR lpszFileExtension; union { DWORD dwReserved; DWORD dwExemptDelta; }; } INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO, *LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO;
Explanation of Members
Size of this structure, in bytes. This value can be used to help determine the version of the cache system.
Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the URL name. The string occupies the memory area at the end of this structure.
Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the local file name. The string occupies the memory area at the end of this structure.
A bitmask indicating the type of cache entry and its properties. The cache entry types include: history entries (URLHISTORY_CACHE_ENTRY), cookie entries (COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY), and normal cached content (NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY). This member can be zero or more of the following property flags, and cache type flags listed below.
Value | Meaning |
EDITED_CACHE_ENTRY | Cache entry file that has been edited externally. This cache entry type is exempt from scavenging. |
SPARSE_CACHE_ENTRY | Partial response cache entry. |
STICKY_CACHE_ENTRY | Sticky cache entry that is exempt from scavenging for the amount of time specified by dwExemptDelta. The default value set by CommitUrlCacheEntryA and CommitUrlCacheEntryW is one day. |
TRACK_OFFLINE_CACHE_ENTRY | Not currently implemented. |
TRACK_ONLINE_CACHE_ENTRY | Not currently implemented. |
The following list contains the cache type flags.
Value | Meaning |
COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY | Cookie cache entry. |
NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY | Normal cache entry; can be deleted to recover space for new entries. |
URLHISTORY_CACHE_ENTRY | Visited link cache entry. |
Current user count of the cache entry.
Number of times the cache entry was retrieved.
Low-order portion of the file size.
High-order portion of the file size.
FILETIME structure that contains the last modified time of this URL, in Greenwich mean time format.
FILETIME structure that contains the expiration time of this file, in Greenwich mean time format.
FILETIME structure that contains the last accessed time, in Greenwich mean time format.
FILETIME structure that contains the last time the cache was synchronized.
Pointer to a buffer that contains the header information. The buffer occupies the memory at the end of this structure.
Size of the lpHeaderInfo buffer.
Pointer to a string that contains the file name extension used to retrieve the data as a file. The string occupies the memory area at the end of this structure.
dwReserved Reserved.
Must be zero.
Exemption time from the last accessed time, in seconds.