The web page rebuilding engine for NetAnalysis® has been completely re-engineered. It is now considerably faster and more capable than its predecessor. We have added an offline HTML5-compliant viewer which is capable of displaying cached web pages, video, images and other content; it can also play audio files.

Rebuilding Web Pages

The following screens show some examples of rebuilt web pages being displayed in our offline viewer.

As the cache is processed and all available web pages are rebuilt (allowing them to be safely viewed offline), NetAnalysis® will extract all cached items and categorise them based on their file type. This allows the forensic investigator to quickly review all cached items (such as images, video, documents, etc.) for evidential value.

Page Rebuild Audit Log

As each page is rebuilt, NetAnalysis® builds a log showing the original URL and corresponding extracted, cached item. It also identifies where each cached item was extracted from and provides a hyperlink to the file. 


NetAnalysis® also supports the automatic decompression of cached data which has been compressed by Gzip or deflate.

As web pages are extracted, NetAnalysis® converts any page content from HTML to plain text for subsequent indexing and viewing. The above page shows an example of a rebuilt web page, the next screen shows the extracted text from the page.

The window above shows the text of a web page which has been extracted during the cache exporting process. This text can be indexed and searched with our text indexing engine.

Examples of Rebuilt Web Pages

The following screens show a sample of rebuilt web pages.